Saturday, February 27, 2010

Creating a Treasure Map- Watering The Seeds of your Dreams

Creating a treasure map is a great way to get clear and set intentions for things that you would like to manifest in your life. The first treasure map I created was in 2001. It was suggested to me by a feng shui consultant and frankly at the time I thought it seemed kind of silly, but I was game to try it since everything else she had observed about my home and its layout, where energy was stuck and flowing and how that reflected in my life was spot on .
She instructed me to create the map and post it in a place where I would see it everyday. At the time I had a large walk-in closet, so I placed it inside of the closet door. I took a rainy weekend to scour through magazines to find the things that I wanted in life to place on the map. The process of doing research into the future me really helped to refine what it was that I wanted to manifest. It also helped me see that at some level I felt guilty for wanting things like a new car or a four poster bed. As I completed the map, I found that it represented a global view of how I wanted my life to look,  I  differentiated between things I needed and the things I wanted (and let go of the guilt) and it felt great.  In was just about a year later that I realized -after not really looking  the map for several months that I had in one form or another everything that was on that map. Someone had gifted me with a California king size poster bed, I had bought a new car, opened a yoga studio, began teaching and had gone snorkeling in Mexico.
I have created 3 treasure maps since then. I create them and don't take them down until I have everything on the map or realize that there are some things that are not appropriate any longer - funny enough it is those things that usually come unglued from the board over time. I have had great success with my treasure maps, I have my current maps in my closet and each time I open it in the morning I take a moment to look it and acknowledge what is in the process of coming into being and what has already become. Not too long ago my boyfriend and I created a map together, but I still have my personal maps that I keep in my own private spot.
I encourage you to take some time, get centered and create a map for the treasures in life that you would like to uncover, whether  it be a new car, a sense of peace and balance in life, a new job or a dream vacation. Thriving in life is our birthright. What does your future look like?

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