Saturday, February 13, 2010

Creating a Sacred Space in Your Home

Creating a sacred space in your home is one of the first steps to finding and maintaining balance. Since spiritual practice is one of the pillars of a balanced life we must find  both the literal and esoteric space for it.  With all of the demands of a job or raising a family it can seem nearly impossible to find the time or space for self reflection, not to mention a moment of silence. While technology can make our lives simpler, allowing us to keep in touch globally and access a wealth of information, it can also extend our workday into family and alone time when we don't create proper boundaries for ourselves. Moreover, a demanding career can mean that you have to be on call at all times. As a result you may find yourself constantly wishing you had some downtime. But maintaining and striving for material success doesn't mean that you have to give up personal freedom.
I have found that dedicating a corner of a room or special chair can offer you the space for practice as long as it can remain standing. Having your mat already laid out for you will be a constant reminder that your practice is waiting for you. Depending on your home's layout, finding a space can be challenging. I have used everything from a cushion on the floor in a walk in closet, to space in the garage. In my last house I was fortunate enough to have a room completely dedicated to yoga and meditation. But in my current home with two big dogs, and two rambunctious boys running around on the weekends, quiet space can be hard to find.
If you a have a meditation practice. I highly recommend purchasing a meditation chair or buying a special cushion. Think of the chair or pillow as an altar to you.Taking time to find or create something comfortable and beautiful will signal that you are about to do something sacred from the moment you sit down. It will also discourage others from parking their butt in your chair, as they will recognize it as being special to you.  Even if you don't meditate, having a special chair that you can sit in to journal or just contemplate silence can be nice.
As far as space for yoga you need a spot just big enough for your yoga mat. If you can find a corner you maybe able to hang some pictures that invoke a peaceful atmosphere, special deity or beautiful landscape. If you have a spot for an altar you can place incense, pictures of your teachers, loves ones and anything else that is meaningful to you in a sacred way. The more you practice, the space will become infused with the energy of your practice, and the seeds of your deepest desires will  be planted in fertile soil, allowing all of your dreams to sprout forth. So even if you can only steal way 5 minutes, that is enough to calm your mind, steady your breath and go within.
I'd love to hear other thoughts and ideas on creative ways to make space for practice.
My favorite mediation chairs are from Gaiam and Zen by Design. Pier 1 giant pillows make a good sitting cushions and can be covered with nice Indian pillow covers that you can get online very inexpensively. If you have back problems try the Backjack chair that has back support or prop yourself up against the wall.


  1. Hi Tracee,
    this blog was a great idea. It sure helps to read it and get some practical ideas, reminders and inspiration! You always think of others and to share your wisdom! You are a phenomenal teacher!!
    Miss you, feel very fortunate to have you as an instructor and friend!
    Love you,

  2. Heike,
    It is so good to hear from you, thank you for your kind words. It seems that this is a subject that is on everyone's mind these days.People seem to be either very full spiritually and struggling to make ends meet or have plenty of abundance but feeling spiritually bankrupt.
    I hope to see you in person in March for a class. Wishing you and Steven a happy Valentines Day.

  3. Yes, this is definitely a great idea. What I find is that people seem to be in such a hurry as well as having very full lives that they forget the things that give them their energy, which is Nature. I liked the waterfall story. I tell people all the time that Yoga's most important gift is the focus of the breath, (not that the movements are not it is all a moving prayer) I have noticed that in most practices this point is rarely addressed. Doing Yoga outside is one of the most sacred experiences I have ever had. Sitting on the ground and opening up to the Mother Earth and the elements is a direct link to the source and this works even if you are in a 20 story high rise as long as your focus is there so are they. Breathing like this for just 10 minutes a day in complete harmony is amazing. Thanks for creating this sacred space. Light

  4. Sylvia,
    Thank you for sharing. I agree that the focus of most classes is the physical asana. Once we learn to come into communion with our breath, our practice not only changes but so does our awareness in daily life.I did my practice this morning on my deck and it was glorious!
    Love and Light

  5. Tracee,
    What a fantastic Idea for a blog! Always so happy to see you continually striving for excellence...
    I am studying with our old friend Guru Singh currently and the emphasis has been on Grist Ashram...Practical Enlightenment..combining the Spiritual with the Material appropriately in answer to the demands of todays age....your words are right on time for me. I do have to remind myself to go to nature and connect to earth through breath from time to time...when I am mindful of this simple thing , I become more capable of functioning in the constructs of citylife and what that entails. I really am hopeful that I might cultivate a sacred life path that radiates humanity in all environments that I may journey through. Thanks Tracee, It is an absolute joy to have known you for all this time.

  6. Tracee,
    Thank you for creating this blog. Please keep it up! I love reading messages from my divine teacher!
