Saturday, February 6, 2010

After a night of torrential rain we woke up to find that our 1st floor bedroom was entirely flooded. And I thought I was going to get to sleep in! My boyfriend and I worked in perfect teamwork to clean up the mess, and then I heard the most curious thing, the sound of rushing water, tons of it. I was very worried when asked him "What is that?!!" I was surprised to find out that there is a waterfall and creek behind our house that only flows when there is a tremendous amount of rain. Had I not been outside at the back of the house this morning bailing water from the bedroom I might never have heard it. What a beautiful little blessing wrapped in what might have got our day off to a really bad start.


  1. good morning Tracee

    Congratulations on starting a relevant blog and I look forward to participating. Yes blessings ARE wrapped in the unexpected. As my teacher Dr Knoles says, " all moments are equally capable of delivering Bliss!" Sending you my love and wishes for sweetness on Sweetheart Day.

  2. I love that quote.
    Later that day we went for a short walk around the neighborhood to discover the waterfall- what we found was an abundance of little waterfalls and creeks flowing all around - what a beautiful day it was. thank you for sharing.

  3. I enjoyed reading your blog and I have a little room that I am setting up...yet it's important.

    I can relate to what you say about your carreer and your ambitions..and I have never wanted to renounce this in my life...because I just get so darned excited about the things I am pursuing... and feel this is what I am meant to do... especially when I feel joy.

    It is a balance, and a dance..and I have to take some time to just close the door to the outside world to go inside....when I go so far outside...
    with love,
